Tuesday, April 4, 2017

MISSISSIPPI, Marshall County: Crigler (1839)

Marshall County Republican and Free Trade Advocate
Holly Springs, Miss.
Saturday, January 19, 1839
Vol. I.

$25 Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber, about the month of April last a NEGRO MAN named JOE, about 5 feet six or seven inches high, stout built, yellowish a little in his complexion, aged about 27 or 30 years, his back badly scarred. He was arrested and put in the jail of Lafayette county, in this State, from the description given by an advertisement in the Holly Springs Republican. I learn from the Sheriff of Lafayette county, that said negro BROKE JAIL about the 20th November last, and that he was supposed to be taken in a swamp near Memphis, Tennessee, but not secured as far as I can learn.

The above reward will be given to any one who will secure him in any jail, or give me information so that I may get him again. Address me at Columbus, Mi. JOHN A. CRIGLER.
Janauary 19, 1838, 4w. (Columbus Dem.)

Other locations: Tennessee; Lafayette County, Mississippi; Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi

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